Are you thinking about becoming a good divorce lawyer in Sydney specifically for Dads? It’s a very noble profession as you will be helping people bring resolution to some of the most heartbreaking and difficult issues they will ever face in their life.

However, this career path is certainly not suited to everyone, and it will require a lot of hard work for you to be competent at it, let alone get to a level where you excel. The following will examine some of the key skills you need to make sure you have (or can develop) in order to be an expert divorce lawyer for dads.

1.    Organisational skills

If you have trouble keeping organised, then you will have a lot of trouble trying to be any kind of solicitor, let alone one who deals with complex family law issues. Organisational skills are absolutely essential for anyone who wants to be a divorce lawyer for dads.

This is because one of the main reasons a client will seek out the help of a solicitor is that they have the organisational skills to manage their legal case for them. If everyday people had the organisational skills of a solicitor, then they wouldn’t hire them.

Your job is to manage all of the fine print documentation and keep things uniform so that your client can relax. Your main goal is to not only help the client win their case but to give them peace of mind throughout the process.

2.    Compassion and empathy

While you aren’t there to be a therapist to your client or their best friend, you are still meant to be an anchor for them during this difficult time. Some clients may have estranged relationships with family and friends during this crisis point, and while you are meant to be objective and fact-based, you can still show a modicum of empathy. Despite the many jokes about divorce lawyers in Sydney, you are still human, and your clients expect you to be ‘on their side’ in more ways than one.

With that said, you need to be able to balance this with your objective handling of the case you are dealing with. If your client goes on a rant about how much they hate their ex, then it would be unprofessional of you to indulge them in that line of rhetoric. Your goal should be to look at the facts and try to find the best solution possible that also keeps the best interests of any children in mind.

Children are almost always the worst affected group in a family breakdown, and divorce lawyers for dads need to take a ‘children first’ approach. This means, above all else, finding a compromise between the parents that ensures that the children are still able to have the best upbringing possible.

3. Negotiation skills

couple signing their divorce papers in front of a lawyer

A big part of being a divorce lawyer in Sydney is assisting your client in negotiations with the other party as a way to settle disputes without litigation. The court system prefers these matters are settled out of court if possible as it is always cheaper and less stressful for all parties if a resolution can be found via private or mediated negotiation.

It is therefore essential that you have negotiation skills if you want to be successful as a divorce lawyer in Sydney. You need to be able to find compromises where bickering ex-partners can’t.

As you can see, there is a lot that goes into being a good divorce lawyer in Sydney, so think carefully about whether or not you have the skills mentioned above.